Frequently Ask Questions

Welcome to the ANCOM 2025 FAQ Page!

Here you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about ANCOM 2025.

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  • No. After the Lodge has pre-registered or registered and paid with the 2025 ANCOM Registration Committee (whether online or physically), the Lodge will be included in the verified Alpha List of registered and paid Lodges to be submitted to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines through the Grand Secretary. This will the basis for the evaluation for the issuance of accreditation of the Lodge for ANCOM 2025.

  • Those entitled to early registration rewards will receive a notification when, where, and how to claim their respective rewards. Announcements for this purpose shall likewise be published in the 2025 ANCOM Metro Manila official website ( and official Facebook page.

  • Yes. The 2025 ANCOM Registration Committee will verify all registrations and payments. An official email will be sent to the individual and Lodge registrants confirming their payment and certifying their registration. Additional requirements, if any, to verify payment and/or confirmation of registration shall likewise be sent through the official email. For this purpose please ensure that you have indicated your functional email addresses during registration.

  • Option 1 - Online/Physical Bank
    Registrants can pay using online bank transfer through their chosen banks and transfer to the following bank account:

    China Banking Corporation (Chinabank)
    Account No.: 101900005084
    Account Name: Roberto Paolo R. Suarez

    Option 2 - GCash Bank Transfer

    Another alternative is to use the GCash online bank transfer facility by following these steps.

    1. Upon opening GCash, instead of selecting “Send”, choose “Transfer” instead.

    2. From the bank choices, select the icon “Chinabank”.

    3. Enter the amount required for payment.

    4. Enter the following bank details:

      China Banking Corporation (Chinabank)
      Account No.: 101900005084
      Account Name: Roberto Paolo R. Suarez

    5. Choose “Transfer”

    Option 3 - Cash Payment

    Physically and personally pay at pre-registration booths that may be set up during District and other Masonic activities.

  • Kindly send your concerns to our official email at, together with the proof of payment and/or registration and other supporting documents for verification. You can also message us through our official FB page , or message the 2025 Ancom Committee through the following number (0915) 131 7540.